M31 Road Fully Closed
/in News/by Michael KellyDue to impacts from farm and other traffic to the prepared subgrade we will be fully closing down M31. These impacts range from contamination from spilled crops and damage to the grade from overloaded equipment, as well as excessive speeds.
This is to maintain the quality of the road, as well as maintain safety.
At this point access will only be allowed for residents, and those field entrances which are only accessible from M31.
This traffic will be redirected from the residence to the nearest sideroad and out to either M25, M35 or surrounding gravel roads.
All other traffic will be considered trespassing and will have the Sherriff called, and any costs associated with repairs will be assessed to those responsible by the county.
Closure is in place at 175 and the northern limits of Arthur with additional barricades being placed to the north in the coming days.
In addition, under no circumstances will loading of wagons or grain carts be allowed on the grade, and overweight loads are not allowed from those fields that must access from M31.
Those living on M31 and those whose only field access is off M31 please coordinate with Joe Lane at 515-370-2755.
VT Industries Expands Holstein, Iowa Manufacturing Facility
/in Success Stories, VT Industries/by Michael Kelly